A Tree House for Grown Ups

As a kid I was always fascinated with the idea of building a tree house, really a tree fort. A space above the ground where I could hold secret meetings with my buddies and keep a sharp eye out for enemy invaders. My fort would provide security and safety and be my own special place. I was never really able to pull it together for two simple reasons: One, I didn’t have access to a large enough tree. Two, my construction skills are terribly lacking!

Fast forward to our recent trip to Tanzania and our stay at Tarangire Kuro Treetop Lodge and all of my fantastic fort ideas became a reality and were even multiplied beyond my wildest expectations! The resort, and you really do have to define it as a resort, currently offers 15 treetop rooms with plans to grow and add 10 more. There are also plans under construction for a new lobby, lounge, and dining area. A guest can select from rooms with a sunrise view (my personal favorite) or a sunset gaze. Either are absolutely breath-taking as you are able to sit out on your deck and soak in the radiance.

During our Tanzania trip we choose to experience Wellworth Properties so there would be no deviation from the excellent service, delicious food, and warm and welcoming accommodations. This particular stay just happened to put us 20 feet above the ground and level with the top of the Baobab Trees!

Every time we arrived at the property we were welcomed with cool, damp, scented towels to wipe off the day’s journey. Gideon, the resort manager, was always eager to inquire about our day and welcome us home! Ramien was assigned as our personal server and ensured any need we had was addressed. Believe me when I say a cool beverage hits the spot after a full day of Safari! Charles was our room steward and there was never a doubt our room was ready for us to refresh and relax. We never had a moment when someone wasn’t looking after us! I believe this is why our guide, who has 24 years of experience, makes the lodge his top choice.

The Kuro Treetop Lodge sits in the middle of the sixth largest park in Tanzania and is home to the largest elephant population. In fact, we encountered several interactions that included two elephants enjoying themselves playing in the water. Keep in mind getting too close gets you a “head sway” and a “trumpet blow” that sends a warning “that is close enough!”

Late July through October is when you would view the most wildlife in the park. Over 250.000 animals enter the park because it provides an excellent water supply. The Tarangire River runs through the park and during the mini migrations there is plenty for everyone!

If you are one that enjoys scoping out birds this is the place for you. The bird life in the park is nothing short of spectacular and with the large number of migratory birds you constantly have to keep your cameras at the ready. It also helped that our excellent guide had a sharp eye and could quickly identify locations but also the specific type of bird.

Overall, during our brief visit there was plenty of wildlife, excellent food, comfortable accommodations, and tremendous service, but this setting provided such a relaxing atmosphere it was just as enjoyable to sit back, put our feet up, and soak it our surroundings. It is never a good idea to rush through your vacations and I would strongly encourage taking those “soaking in” moments and build some memories. The Tarangire Kuro Treetop Lodge does just that and more!